Sunday, April 16, 2023

Wheel Run - Week of Apr. 10th

“The secret to living well and longer is this: eat half, walk double, laugh triple, and love without measure.” ~Tibetan Proverb

This was our first full week back in the swing of things.  We seemed to share the same sentiment as the deer in our backyard...feeling a bit sleepy.  Monday morning was full of lots of yawning in the Weatherford household.  A very curious deer wanted a closer look.

As the weather showed a milder side this week with climbing temperatures, the morning strolls to the end of the driveway felt a lot like Arizona to Cam and his mom.  They also commented how neat it is to see the rising sun and still peek at the moon while heading to the bus stop.

When Friday arrived, we were all ready for the weekend and relaxation.  While Cam's parents enjoyed a dinner out, Ms. Ann and her buddy finished their tutoring and had their evening meal together.  As much as we wanted to sleep in on Saturday, we couldn't linger too long.

We were on our way to the 28th Annual Wheel Run For Everyone 5k to benefit Renew Mobility where participants were encouraged to come out and walk, roll, jog, or wheel.  All the money raised supports the vital mobility equipment program. The Doctorate in Physical Therapy students at GVSU for the past 27 years have been raising to support Renew Mobility!  

Cam is an official Youth Ambassador for Renew Mobility, a local non-profit whose mission is to enhance independence through access to mobility equipment.  They've provided quite a bit of equipment to the Cameron over the years and Jane is on the board of directors.  The executive director requested that the Youth Ambassadors (Cam and Luke) ring the official starting bell for the 5k at the Grand Valley Allendale Campus.  

At exactly 9am, the Youth Ambassadors rang their bells after Ms. Coleen, the executive director, announced the beginning of the race!  Everyone was off for the 3.1 mile run/walk/jog/wheel/drive event.  It was perfect weather with a bit of sunshine, overhead clouds and mild temps in the high 60s.  GV grad students were stationed at about every half mile marker to cheer everyone on!  The milder weather this week prompted some early bloomage on campus.  The entire course was all on wide sidewalks and we told Cam it may have been the longest consecutive drive he has done yet.  After the race, sponsors had set up tables and tasty bagels were available any of the race participants.  Cameron thoroughly enjoyed a cinnamon bagel from Panera. There was also a table set up with the Renew Mobility brochures.  We thought we recognized a pretty cool kid on those cards 😉

The remainder of our weekend was a combo of indoor and outdoor projects.  The riding mower was inspected with a maintenance check completed by father and son.  They also deposited more rocks near the end of the driveway to offset the runoff that keeps happening during excessive rainfall.

One our favorite trees in the backyard showed off its blooms, which only last about a week.  While we reviewed the weekend events on Sunday, even though Cam had to wake up a bit earlier on Saturday, he declared "it was really worth it!"

Camology Quotes:

Jane and her son worked on some indoor projects over the weekend.  We sorted through some old pictures of Chris and his family and read about Grandma Sue's history that she sent us last year.  Now that Cameron is older and we've met all of Chris's siblings, the stories had more relevance.  They also sparked more interest in our son.

"Mom, can we ask Oma and Opa for old pictures and their stories? We should put them all together in a book!"

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