12 months in a year, 12 hours on a clock and this week, Mr. Cameron was turning 12!
Before his actual birthday on Saturday, though, he had a full social calendar.
Oma arrived on Monday to stay until Wednesday since our Cam Care team had other commitments.
The baking buddies were busy making cherry scones with a mix from Cherry Republic (thanks to an early bday gift from A. Betsy and U. Jon). Cam was intrigued by the process since he had never had a scone before. The dough had to be kneaded and rolled out prior to baking. They smelled so delicious it was tough to wait until they were done! Next up was homemade blueberry muffins from Cam's cookbook. Oma and her grandson found a recipe for the muffins made with vanilla yogurt, honey and less sugar than typical muffins. And of course, a trip to Culver's for dessert one night was in order.

Friday evening, our friends from North Carolina arrived - Auntie Leslie, her daughters Ali and Erin and their boyfriends, Daree and Brandon. This crew kept us all laughing.

The first present opened was from Mom and Dad and Auntie Karen. A new desk for Cam he can drive under and wheel anywhere in the house was something that had been a needed item for quite some time.

Cam's buddy, Brody, our N. Carolina crew, Ms. Amanda and Nick and Oma and Opa. The birthday boy opened another present from his parents- an over sized inflatable backyard bowling set. The goal was to knock down the blown up pins, which looked much easier than it actually was. Cam was able to push the ball with his chair and in a short time, everyone was sweating from the effort and sunshine.

With our friends still in town from N.C., we wanted to show them Grand Rapids. First, we headed to the G.R. Fowling (pronounced Foe-ling) Warehouse to try something new...throwing a football at bowling pins. It was pretty hilarious watching everyone figure it out.
That evening, Cam broke his record for staying up late, not wanting the time to end.
Perhaps Robert Frost was enjoying a good time when he wrote "The woods are lovely dark and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep."
"Mom, when we will see them again?"
"I'm not sure, Cam. Maybe next year?"
"They are awesome. It is not fair if we have to wait a whole year to see my good friends!"
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