“Are we going to be friends forever?’ Asked Piglet. ‘Even longer,’ Pooh answered.” ~ A.A. Milne
“What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” ~ Aristotle

Kahlil Gibran wrote about friendship and captured it perfectly in his poetry when he said: "And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." Isn't it so true that our friends do help us feel renewed? Cam is fortunate to have good buddies at school and we hope the bond they have shared only continues into adulthood.

This week, we entered into a new project-
Brody's Be Cafe. Cam's best buddy at school, for quite a few years now, is Brody and his mom, Jenny, is trying to start a non-profit cafe where special needs kids will be employed with mentors working alongside them. It's a tall order, but there are so many ready and willing to help spread the word for funding. Cam is excited that Jenny has promised him a job when he's old enough to work and until then he can volunteer and begin to learn the business. Jane has agreed to be a board member and help with any marketing she can. Miss Konkle, Brody and Cam's teacher, was inspired to set up a fundraiser with her class leading the way.

Speaking of great teachers, we had a surprise visit on Thursday evening when Cam's former Meadow Brook team walked up our driveway after another engagement they had at our neighbor's house. The team of Ms. Barbara, Ms. Kate and Ms. Kendra (SpEd teacher, speech path and OT respectively) sure did make Cam's day! Even though our son is in a different school this year, he considers his elementary team his 'friends for life!'

Over the weekend, we asked Cam if he wanted to try sitting in his regular power chair since we were almost to the end of his surgical recovery. He agreed and we were all pleasantly surprised at the ease of transition. Cam felt so comfortable he wanted to stay in his good 'ole chair and enjoyed the independence of easily navigating around.

As the flowers continue to bloom and fill our yard with sweet scents and vibrant colors, we all need to stop and 'smell the roses' and experience the renewal our friendships and nature provides.
Camology Quotes:
Due to some post-surgery effects, Cam has requested after-school pickup instead of riding the bus home. One afternoon, Jane arrived to find zero handicap parking spaces. Cam's teacher decided to do something about it!

"Cam, look at this awesome sign! It says "Reserved for the Weatherford Family!"
Being the rule-abiding citizen Cam is...
"Do the police know about this sign?"
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