As time passes, memories do fade.
Perhaps when Cam's parents were in grade school, they experienced pajama days, but neither one recall doing so.
Full of school spirit, our son was happy to comply with the request to arrive at school dressed in his pj's.

After experiencing a somewhat mild winter, the tables have turned and a cold blast has arrived. Monday morning was a balmy -4 degrees on the thermometer! Due to some rain and then a hard freeze, Cam was home from school because of widespread cancellation as it appeared everything was completely iced over.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Camology Quotes:
Our difficult sleeping has continued due to inflammation in Cam's knee, but our son's mood has stayed relatively happy during the day. Due to sleep deprivation, though, he did have a few negative instances this week. He seemed quite reflective on Saturday.
"I have the nicest Mom and Dad."
"And we know we have the nicest son."
"Your son is nice, but sometimes he has his moments."
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