Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Working out is tough, for anyone. As adults, we easily push exercise aside for other activities waiting for us. It should be a priority for all, but it seems to be one of the list items that falls by the wayside.
Michelle and Cam ventured over to our local Y one day this week. The membership director, Ms. Tara, never misses an opportunity to say "hi" to Cam and to always have one of her teammates talk to Cam over her walkie-talkie. It's really a highlight of every visit.
Michelle and Cam found a trainer who tried out some adaptive equipment with him. No complaints from the boy who loves trying new things and accepts challenges. We are excited to have this option available to us in addition to swimming in the pool at the YMCA. A big thanks and shout out to Michelle who investigated this with Cam on her own.

From making muscles to making crafts, it was a busy week. In preparation for Katherine's baby shower we were hosting on Sunday, Cam had an idea to make a photo album for Katherine's son (arriving in less than 2 months) so that her baby boy would know all about the adventures Cam had with her when he was little. Cam helped Jane pick out the pictures to print and tell a story about each one.

It was a labor of love and
we hope it is read over and over again.

Another joint crafting effort was Ms. Ann's idea. Since the baby shower's theme was Peter Pan, she thought of creating a handmade sign indicating the distance to different places. The result was awesome thanks to the efforts, of Ann, Chris, Cam, Molly and Jane. There's already a place picked out in the baby's room for the sign showing distances from Katherine & Paul's house to the respective place. Can you see which part of the sign is the indicator to Cam's house?

Michelle keeps the activities moving each week by monitoring the local library schedule and local events. She and Cam were able to check out a superhero, aka fresh food fairy, who talked about trying different fruits and vegetables. Cam tasted some purple goodness. While at the library, they saw a flyer for a fair sponsored by an organization called
Disability Advocates of Kent County. They held an event where Miss Wheelchair was signing autographs and Cam was able to meet her. There was a blind man drawing caricatures and different activities for kids and adults.

The Ernest and Celestine movie was a "thank you treat" for Cam being such a good listener and working hard all week long. He and Michelle really liked the movie. One humorous notation...during the flick, all of a sudden there were sirens and police arriving. Cam exclaimed "who called 911?" A very good question that apparently wasn't covered in the film.
Camology Quotes:
Cam and Michelle made a trip to the Culver's drive-thru for a sundae. They give you a plastic number sign to put on your window. Michelle went to close the window and it caught the plastic sign and snapped it in half.
"Are they going to call the police? Will you get arrested?!"

Cam was asking about taking his multi vitamins and hadn't had one in quite some time:
"Mom, are my vitamins expired?"
And when a mother is asked such a specific question, one cannot fib. They were, in fact, quite past their date of freshness. So, Cam's mom went to the store that very day to replenish her smart son's vitamin supply!
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