WMML Medal time! |
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
~ song lyric from 'Closing Time' by Semisonic
New shelves for Jane's bday! |
Endings and beginnings are a part of daily life. This week, we experienced quite a few on both sides. Time to start counting...
Jane celebrated a birthday (with a number not to be noted here) on Thursday and her boys took her out to dinner and for her present, built a set of needed shelves in the closet. These boys are talented!
Family of Helpers from Miller-Johnson |
Yeah for Meadow Brook families!! |
Saturday morning, we took our final spring season trip out to the baseball field for
WMML where Cam played his final game. The volunteers from a local law firm were eager to assist and the heat of the day was muted by a nice breeze. Along with Cam's parents, Oma, Opa and Mr. Steve completed the bleacher fan club.
Ms. Michelle, Cam & Ms. Barbara |
Less than 10 minutes after arriving home from the ball game, our first guests arrived for Cam's End of School & Summer Cookout! Teachers, therapists, aides, fellow school friends and their families all enjoyed a delicious array of food brought by all guests. The daytime temp reached 90 degrees so were all happy for an air-conditioned break inside to watch the Project Unify video that Ms. Barbara had put together. It was important for everyone to see the presentation so the families of teachers, therapists, aides and fellow students could see what an impact everyone has on each other.
Oma, Cam and Opa |
On Sunday, we traveled to Kalamazoo to celebrate a new beginning for Auntie Roe. Cam was able to wear his tuxedo once again and take on the all-important duty of being a ring bearer (for the 4th time!) for Ronda & Mike's wedding. The day was almost as beautiful as the bride. Cam and Auntie Roe have a special relationship and many shared memories including, but not limited to, banana bread making and Portuguese language lessons.

Ronda's baking buddy worked diligently to memorize a short speech...Feliz Casamento! meaning Happy Marriage (
pronounced fah-lease koz-a-mento) and Abraços e Amor meaning Hugs and Love (
pronounced ah-bra-sus eh ah-more).

It was an action packed weekend and we all had fun remembering the moments that become our memories. For all that took place, this quote lingers and reminds us just how impactful people are...

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.”
Cam-ology Quotes:
When you have a day ahead full of activity, it's easy to feel a bit anxious and stressed. And then, Cam wakes up and announces:
"I just love this beautiful day!"
and those nervous feelings melt away....
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