Cam has already experienced losing that first tooth, but when one of the big front teeth exited, he was very excited! The second front one won't be far behind...

This week, Sabrina filled in for Cam care and was the eye-witness for Cam's self tooth extraction. Cameron worked on some schooling, drew lots of pictures and played his favorite games. As Sabrina heads back to U of M for the school year, we hope to see her again and thank her for hanging out with Cam!
Cam & Uncle Kev |

Jane had Thursday off of work and took Cam and Emma to Lake Michigan for a day of fun in the sun. The water was still a bit chilly, but that didn't deter the group from some kayaking and creek playing.

On Friday, Chris and Jane both took the afternoon off of work to join Cam at an adaptive water-ski clinic on Reed's Lake. Mary Free Bed hosts the event and this was our first experience. Cam was situated in the chair on the waterski and was slated to go fifth. The water was warm and the conditions were good. On the first run around the lake on the ski, Cam was pretty nervous and upset. But, he gained composure and wanted to keep going (without parental interference). Chris and Jane were so proud of Cam for meeting the challenge and persevering! This winter, he wants to take swimming lessons which would make the clinic much more rewarding for him next year.

Chris and Jane are always overwhelmed by people who donate their time and talents to events like these. Becky was designated as Cam's helper and he took quite a liking to her. It was a great experience for the entire family and we look forward to this being the first of many times Cam goes waterskiing.
Wendell, Ollie, Cam & Harry |

Saturday was cousin Ollie's birthday party at Blanford Nature Center. The kids had a nature tour and educational talk about birds. The theme was "Wild Kratts" one of Ollie's favorite shows and it also happens to be one of Cam's. The kids all wore Wild Kratts shirts (creatively made by Ollie's family) and ate some delicious homemade birthday cake.

To continue with the watersports mode,
we ventured back to the Big Lake on Sunday to see Oma and Opa,
cousin Steff and countless relatives.
Our neighbors at the beach have a couple of snazzy jet skis. Since Cam had already attempted water skiing, he was totally game to try out the jet ski.
Chris wasn't sure if he was smiling while they were cruising on the big lake, so he slowed down to ask Cam if he wanted to keep going, to which Cam answered "Yes Dad, More!"

A huge thanks to the VanderZyden fam for letting us use their big kid toys!
These summer days spent at the lake are ones we never take for granted. We are grateful for its sparkling waters, toasty sand, and endless adventures!
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