A trip out to Robinette's was on the agenda and as you can see, Cam was quite anxious to get inside to get the donuts! Chris & Jane were able to Facetime with Cam to chat via video. Although the Michigan weather was a little grey, Cameron was cheerful and sunny every time he talked to his Mom and Dad. On Sunday, Katherine and Ann ventured downtown to the Grand Rapids Indoor Market where Cam enjoyed some treats and seeing all of the sights.
The biggest surprise for Cam's parents was the welcoming committee they received at the Grand Rapids airport on Sunday evening! As they walked past security, there was Cam, Ann, Katherine & Paul holding signs up for all to see. Chris and Jane felt incredibly special and happy to be home!! Everyone dined together and we realized, once again, how blessed we are to have all of these people in our lives and we're so very thankful for Katherine and Ann.
Cameron had a sweet surprise in the mail this week- a package from Grandma Sue! A handmade wood-carved Noah's Ark, complete with two of each animal and an awesome car blanket made by Grandma Sue herself!
We couldn't be more proud of Cam these past two weeks with all of the activity and taking things in stride. We were honored this week to witness an intimate wedding with two special people, surrounded by close friends and family. We are humbled by the love of our own family and friends. And we are renewed by being a part of it all.
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