Cameron, like most five-year-old boys, is quite intrigued by construction trucks. Early one morning, the trucks could be seen on Cam's street working on the pavement. Chris pointed out what all of the different machines were doing.

Katherine's mom, Ann, thought Cam may want to watch the vehicles continue their jobs as the two of them viewed from the porch swing.
This week, while Cam's nanny Katherine, volunteered at a muscular dystrophy
camp, her family pitched in to take care of Cam while Jane worked.

Miss Ann, actually "discovered" a new favorite show for the big boy called "Mighty Machines" which depicts real-life video of all kinds of large machines in their native roles. A narrator is heard in the background talking about what the machine does and how its "mightiness" helps it complete an important job.

Cam was back at Wellerwood School for just four days of summer school. Cam played with his classmates and enjoyed a game of "hide-n-seek" although his teacher, Ms. Kathy said he likes to "peek" as shown here.

On Saturday, the family drove to see Oma and Opa on a beautiful sunny day. After a trek down the beach in CamMobile, we stopped to play in the sand. Chris dug a large hole and Cam wanted to put his feet in it. He then proceeded to bury his own feet!

Although Lake Michigan is a bit too chilly for swimming just yet, Cameron was so sandy, his Dad had to dip him in the lake just a little. We are looking forward to many more beach days with Cam's Grandma!
On Sunday, Chris, Jane and Cam all spent the afternoon with good friends Matt, Betsy, Liam and baby David. We dined together and then chatted in Liam's backyard where there was a kiddie pool all set for the buddies to splash around in. Betsy made a most delicious strawberry pie and it tasted so good, eating our dessert outside under a shade tree.
Although we don't see our friends nearly enough, the time always speeds by when we're together. The best part of friendship, whether with children or adults, is that there's always a "next time" to plan!
Happy Splashing everyone!!
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