On May 1st, Cameron had to say goodbye to some of his classmates at school. Due to federal funding, the Head Start program ended on Wednesday. Cam made some great friends this year and he wanted to give them something at school. At Party City, he picked out sand buckets and bouncy balls to give the kids and he colored a card for each one.
On Wednesday at school, Ms. Kathy told us that Cam picked out the color of bucket for each classmate, remembering favorite colors of a particular friend and also giving stickers to each one. He wore his "tie T-shirt" and looked very handsome!

He'll certainly miss his classmates, but he is still attending Wellerwood at different times throughout the summer and has already made some new friends!

On Friday, Cam attended his first official graduation! The family drove to Lansing to watch Katherine and her Mom, Ann, receive their Master's Degrees! This boy was so excited to see his Katherine and Ann walk across the stage. After the ceremony, celebratory pictures outdoors in the beautiful weather were a must, followed by a tasty dinner out.

On Saturday, we didn't want the fun to end, so Katherine and her boyfriend, Paul, Ms. Ann, sister Molly, sweet friend, Lily, and Gordy all gathered at Cam's house to have a tasty lunch on the deck. After feeling full, it was time to play some games. Headbands was a crowd pleaser and even Cam thought the game was pretty cool. However, when neighbor, Emma showed up play with Cameron, the best game ever couldn't keep him with the adults...

A big congratulations to Katherine, Ann and our sweet Coco for graduating this weekend!!
Doors close every day and new ones always open- it's the attitude we have accepting each change that makes all the difference.
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. ~ Mother Teresa
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