Everyone is a bit confused by the wonderful Michigan weather, but Cameron and h

is friends are taking full advantage of an early spring!

One recipe for a fun afternoon:
Step 1: Use as much sidewalk chalk as possible to cover the driveway with lovely pictures.
Step 2: Find two people to swi

ng the jump rope. It turns out Cam is a great jump rope turner.
Step 3: Locate a friend to test out jumping in the jump rope.
Step 4: Invite other friends to j

oin in the fun!
Step 5: Enjoy the giggles and laughter that follow!
This week, Cam welcomed some college folks into his home for a video

opportunity with a Grand Valley professor and her graduate students. For those of you who may have missed p

revious blogging news, Cameron is employed by Grand Valley State University for a physical therapy student graduate class. He loves "teaching" the students and in turn, he learns a great deal deal from them. Many thanks to Miss Lisa, Ryan and Edi for a very enjoyable home session!

On Sunday, Cam and his parents decided not to waste any early spring weather and ventured northward to visit Grandma and Grandpa. CamMobile had an early 2012 outing on the empty beach.

No one can recall ever having such fantastic warm Michigan sunshine in March.
Cameron just wants spring to keep moving forward so he can get back to swimming in the big lake!
1 comment:
Thank you SO much for allowing us to learn from and play with Cam. It has been a very rewarding and great learning experience. Thanks for opening your home for our learning and for always being so accomodating. Cam is probably one of the best teachers I have ever had! :D
Also... I tried to send you the pictures from tonight's session but the email keeps being returned to me with an error message. :S
Big hugs to Cam from his friend Edi!
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