The Michigan weather this winter has certainly provided some difficult travel. This week, that

actually worked to Cameron's advantage. His Grandma drove in Sunday to avoid the projected snowfall and stayed until Tuesday morning!
Cam and Grandma spent the afternoon making some delicious chocolate chip cookies. Cam did a

great deal of taste-testing to be sure they were extra good. Grandma & grandson also spent time looking at a special picture frame hanging on the wall of Cameron's room. He loves to look at the frame containing man

y beautiful photos of his Grandma.
After such a fun visit, Chris & Jane had to keep the good times moving along. They took Cam out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse.

Although he didn't partake in any juicy steaks, he very much enjoyed the cheese fries, penne pasta, and coloring.

Over the weekend, Cam enjoyed a visit from his wonderful godmother, Auntie Jo. She brought him a delicious chocolate shake, knowing it is common favorite they both share.
Saturday evening, Cameron had some playtime with his favorite nighttime "Cam-sitter"- Sarah. The smiles shown here are ones we see every time they're together!
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