Ken-o-Sha Wellerwood Pre-School welcomed Cameron Jackson as their newest preschool student this week! Cam's school days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:10am-11:45am. His name is proudly displayed on the door (green at the bottom), along with all of his classmates.
Cameron settled in with some new buddies shown here. Carson and Matt are two new playmates. Cam had fun with both Jane and Chris on different days at his new school when they stayed to hang out. Jane participated with Cam on music day and Chris did an art project and both of them had a great time on the playground with their boy.
A required school accessory was provided to Cam by two of his favorite people- Grandma and the best godmother, Auntie Jo.
Pictured is the backpack from Grandma with Cam's name embroidered. He'll be using both of them for all of the activities yet to come!
Cameron survived his first week and his teachers, Nora and Kate, are so creative and make pre-school tons of fun!
We know he's looking so forward to week number two!!