This was a special week for Cameron because his Grandma Mary Ellen stayed 3 whole days to take care of him while Chris and Jane were working. Grandma and Cam had lots of fun reading, playing with toys, practicing rolling over, and tummy time. When Grandma Mary Ellen told Cameron

she had to leave, he literally seemed to pout!
Cam had his RSV vaccine shot and weighed in on Thursday. The big boy was a whopping 14 lbs!! After Cam's shot, he let out a big scream, but calmed down right away after Jane held him. The nurse told Cam that he is one of her bravest patients. Way to go Cam!
Valentine's Day was very special for Chris and Jane this year. They met 10 years ago on this day and can't believe how quickly time has passed.

Chris also proposed to Jane on this day just 5 years ago. For V-day, Chris brought Jane the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. The calla lilies were a part of Chris & Jane's beach wedding.

On Saturday, Cameron had a special visit from one of his favorite nurses, Deb. She hadn't seen Cam since he was in intermediate care in the hospital! Chris and Jane are so thankful for the friends they met in the hospital and how much they cared for Cameron. He is such a lucky boy!!
On Sunday, Cam celebrated his 6-month birthday!!! Time has gone by much too quickly...
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